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Living Out Of An Abundance

March 24 2020
March 24 2020

It seemed like just weeks ago we were coming out of the new year. We had plans and goals and were excitedly looking to what the new year will bring. Who would imagine that the words ‘global pandemic’ would be in the forefront of headlines and news, and all that we talk about? Uncertainty surrounds us.

Just recently, I found myself also getting caught up in ‘panic buying’. Do I have enough food stocked up? In fact, I caught myself worrying, not just about basic food, but making sure my pantry and freezer were well stocked up with nutritious food. Then there was also my persistent search for essential household essentials, like bathroom tissues. Yep! I got caught up in that too.

I was operating out of an attitude of scarcity, but lately I’ve been thinking what does it look like for us to lead and care out of an abundance, rather than scarcity? In these unsettling and unchartered times, it doesn’t take a lot for us to look around to find women and families in need of support, encouragement, prayer and financial help.

We are all faced with a different rhythm of life in these unsettling times. Personally, this new rhythm of life has blessed me with a little more time for extended walks and personal reflection. I have been reflecting on John 15:5, “If you remain in me, and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.”

How does this verse apply to where I’m at? Is it possible for me to set my fears of scarcity aside and focus on anchoring in God’s vine? And as I remain in the vine, what does bearing fruit look like?

I believe when we bear fruit God empowers us to lead out of an abundance. As we anchor in Him, we don’t need to worry about scarcity. We will have the confidence and faith that we have more than enough in Him.

Especially in these weeks of scarcity, job losses, plunging stock markets, and dwindling retirement savings, I’ve been reflecting on how I can be generous and give out of an abundance. Could it be something as simple as reaching into my pantry, grabbing some food, and household essentials and anonymously dropping them off outside the home of a stranger, with a little note to cheer them up?

During my afternoon walk today, Roland and I bumped into a wonderful sister from church. She casually floated the idea of offering to pay for another sister’s internet cost, just so this sister could listen to our sermon videos without too much buffering. I loved the idea.

I continue to reflect on what other creative ways I could give or help generously, out of an abundance through faith in Him. God is creative, isn’t he? Let’s not miss out on this opportunity.

Lucinda Tescon is Office Administrator and Director of Womens Ministiries at The Tapestry Richomnd.

Photo by Roman Kraft


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